Xiang-Lin Gu
            Vise Presedent of Tongji University
    Professor, College of Civil Engineering
            Email: gxl@tongji.edu.cn
            Tel/Fax: 8621-65982928


    Doctor of Philosophy. 1996. Department of Building Engineering, Tongji University.

    Master of Science. 1988. Department of Structural Engineering, Tongji University.

    Bachelor of Science. 1983. Department of Building Engineering, Hefei University of Technology.

    Research interests

    His research interests include the fundamental theories of reinforced concrete and masonry structures, life-cycle analysis and maintenance of structures, and computer simulation of engineering structures.

    Specific interests include:

    Progressive collapse of reinforced concrete and masonry structures

    Collapse analysis and simulation of reinforced concrete cooling towers

    Cracking analysis and regulation technologies of young concrete slabs and walls

    Multi-scale analysis of reinforced concrete structures

    Life-cycle analysis and maintenance of existing reinforced concrete structures

    Strengthening of concrete and masonry structures

    Professional experience

    Professor (7/2000 to Now): Department of Structural Engineering, College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University

    Visiting scholar (1/1998 to 8/1998): New Jersey Institute of Technology

    Visiting scholar (9/1998 to 9/1998): University of Illinois at Chicago

    Associate Professor (12/1994 to 6/2000): Department of Building Engineering, Tongji University

    Assistant Professor (9/1990 to 11/1994): Department of Building Engineering, Tongji University


    Courses taught

    Fundamental theories of reinforced concrete structure (undergraduate)

    Design of reinforced concrete structures (undergraduate)

    Nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete structures (graduate)

    Advanced theories of reinforced concrete structures (graduate)

    Life-cycle maintenance of engineering structures (graduate)


    Current research projects

    Interfacial bonding and shear resistance of multi-scale damage analysis of reinforced concrete structures. Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.: 50978191)

    Key technologies of renovation of existing village residential buildings. The national science and technology support program (Grant No. 2006CBAJ04A03)

    Fundamental research of modern environmental friendly concrete. The national key basic research and development plan. (Grant No. 2009CB623200)


    Professional affiliation

    Editor of Engineering History and Heritage

    American Concrete Institute, ACI

    National Technical Committee of Standardization of Reinforced Concrete Structures (SAC/TC458)

    Technical Committee of Prevention of Building Collapse, Branch of Reduction of Earthquake Damages and Natural Disasters, Architectural Society of China



     “Structural assessment and appraisal theories and technologies for life cycle maintenance of buildings.” First prize of Advances in science and technology of Shanghai metropolitan, 2009

    "Integration and demonstration of conservation-based campus development technologies.” First prize of the Science and Technology Progress Award for High Schools, 2008

    "Structural assessment and appraisal standards for existing buildings.” Third prize of Advances in science and technology of Shanghai metropolitan, 2006

    "Theories and application technologies of structural assessment and appraisal of existing buildings.” Second prize of the Science and Technology Progress Award for High Schools, 2006


    Selected publications (in English)

     1) Gu X L, Chen Z Y, Ansari. F. Method and Theory for a Multi-Gauge Distributed Fiber Optic Sensor[J]. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 1999, 10(4): 266-273.

    2) Gu X L, Chen Z Y, Ansari. F. Embedded Fiber Optic Crack Sensor for Reinforced Concrete Structures [J]. ACI Structural Journal, 2000, 97(3): 468-476.

    3) Gu X L*, Zhang W P, Ouyang Y, and Li Y P. Sharing Capacity of Masonry Structural Walls Strengthened by CFRP Plates [J]. Science and Engineering of Composite Materials, 2005, 12(3): 193-202.

    4) Wang Z L, Lin F, Gu X L*. Numerical Simulation of Failure Process of Concrete under Compression Based on Mesoscopic Discrete Element Model [J]. Tsinhua Science and Technology, 2008, 13(S1):19-25.

    5) Tian Y, Jin X Y, Jin N G, Gu X L. Micro Expressions of Cement Hydration Kinetics [J]. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2010, 39 (Suppl. 2): 216-219.

    6) Song X B, Gu X L*, Zhang W P, Zhao T S, Jin X Y. Structural Analysis of High-Rise Reinforced Concrete Building Structures during Construction [J]. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2010, 36(4):513-527.

    7) Gu X L, Song X B, Lin F, Li C, Jin X Y. Cracking Behaviour of Cast In-Situ Reinforced Concrete Slabs with Control Joints [J]. Construction and Building Materials,2011, 25(3):1398-1406.

    8) Chen T, Gu X L*, Li H. Behavior of Steel-concrete Composite Cantilever Beams with Web Openings under Negative Moment [J]. International Journal of Steel Structures, 2011, 11(1): 39-49.

    9) Li S B, Zhang W P, Gu X L, Zhu C M. Fatigue of Reinforcing Steel Bars Subjected to Natural Corrosion [J]. Open Civil Engineering Journal, 2011, 5(1): 69-74.

    10) Zhang W P, Song X B, Gu X L, Tang H Y. Compressive Behavior of Longitudinally Cracked Timber Columns Retrofitted Using FRP Sheets [J]. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 2012, 138(1): 90-98.

    11) Chen T, Yu Q Q, Gu X L, Zhao X L. Study on Fatigue Behavior of Strengthened Non-Load Carrying Cruciform Welded Joints Using Carbon Fibre Sheets [J]. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2012, 12(1): 179-194.

    12) Lin F, Hong L, Gu X L*, Wang X L, Jin X Y. Mechanical Behaviour of Cast-in-Situ Reinforced Concrete Slabs with Control Joints [J]. Construction and Building Materials,2012(28): 395-404.

    13) Li X, Gu X L*, Ouyang Y, Song X B. Long-Term Behavior of Existing Low-Strength Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened with Carbon Fibre Composite Sheets [J]. Composites Part B – Engineering, 2012, 43(3): 1637-1644.

    14) Lin F, Song X B, Gu X L, Peng B, Yang L P. Cracking Analysis of Massive Concrete Walls with Cracking Control Techniques [J]. Construction and Building Materials,2012(31): 12-21.

    15) Zhang W P, Song X B, Gu X L*, Li S B. Tensile and fatigue behavior of corroded rebars [J]. Construction and Building Materials,2012(34): 409-417.

    16) Gu X L*, Peng B, Chen G L, Li X, Ouyang Y. Rapid Strengthening of Masonry Structures Cracked in Earthquakes Using Fiber Composite Materials [J]. Journal of Composites for Construction, ASCE, 2012, 16(5): 590-603.

    17) Huang Q H, Jiang Z L, Zhang W P, Gu X L, Dou X J. Numerical Analysis of the Effect of Coarse Aggregate Distribution on Concrete Carbonation [J]. Construction and Building Materials,2012(37): 27-35.

    18) Gu X L, Chen T *, Li H, Zhang W P, Wang H L. Behavior of Steel-Concrete Composite Cantilever Box Beams under Negative Moment[J]. International Journal of Steel Structures, 2012, 12(4): 509-521.

    19) Chen T, Yu Q Q, Gu X L*, Nie G H. Stress Intensity Factors (KI) of Cracked Non-Load-Carrying Cruciform Welded Joints Repaired with CFRP Materials [J]. Composites Part B – Engineering, 2013(45): 1629-1635.

    20) Li X, Gu X L*, Song X B, Ouyang Y, Feng Z L. Contribution of U-shaped Strips to the Flexural Capacity of Low-Strength Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened with Carbon Fibre Composite Sheets [J]. Composites Part B – Engineering, 2013(45): 117-126.

    21) Wang X G, Zhang W P, Gu X L*, Dai H C. Determination of residual cross-sectional areas of corroded bars in reinforced concrete structures using easy-to-measure variables [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2013(38): 846-853.

    22) Chen T, Xiao Z G, Zhao X L, Gu X L. A boundary element analysis of fatigue crack growth for welded connections under bending [J]. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2013(98): 44-51.

    23) Lin F, Li Y, Gu X L*, Tang D S. Prediction of ground vibration due to the collapse of a 235 m high cooling tower under accidental loads [J]. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2013(258):89-101.

    24) Song X B, Gu X L*, Li Y P, Chen T, Zhang W P. Mechanical Behavior of FRP-Strengthened Concrete Columns Subjected to Concentric and Eccentric Compression Loading [J]. Journal of Composites for Construction, ASCE, 2013, 17(3), 336–346.

    25) Yu Q Q, Chen T, Gu X L*, Zhao X L, Xiao Z G. Fatigue Behaviour of CFRP Strengthened Steel Plates with Different Degrees of Damage [J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2013(69): 10-17.

    26) Gu X L*, Hong L, Wang Z L, Lin F. Experimental Study and Application of Mechanical Properties for the Interface between Cobblestone Aggregate and Mortar in Concrete [J]. Construction and Building Materials,2013(46):156-166.

    27) Gu X L*, Hong L, Wang Z L, Lin F. A modified rigid-body-spring concrete model for prediction of initial defects and aggregates distribution effect on behavior of concrete [J]. Computational Materials Science, 2013(77): 355-365.

    28)Gu X L*, Jia J Y, Wang Z L, Hong L, Lin F. Determination of Mechanical Parameters for Elements in Meso-Mechanical Models of Concrete [J]. Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering, 2013, 7(4): 391-401

    29) Chen T, Zhao X L, Gu X L, Xiao Z G. Numerical analysis on fatigue crack growth life of non-load-carrying cruciform welded joints repaired with FRP materials [J]. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2014(56): 171-177.

    30) Gu X L*, Wang X L, Yin X J, Lin F, Hou J. Collapse Simulation of Reinforced Concrete Moment Frames Considering Impact Actions Among Blocks [J]. Engineering Structures. 2014(65): 30-41.

    31) Li Y, Lin F, Gu X L*, Lu X Q. Numerical Research of a Super-Large Cooling Tower Subjected to Accidental Loads [J]. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2014(269): 184-192.

    32)  Zhang W P, Zhou B B, Gu X L*, and Dai H C. Probability Distribution Model for Cross-Sectional Area of Corroded Reinforcing Steel Bars [J]. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 2014, 26(5): 822-832.

    33) Yu Q Q, Zhao X L, Chen T, Gu X L, Xiao Z G. Crack propagation prediction of CFRP retrofitted steel plates with different degrees of damage using BEM [J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2014(82): 145-158.

    34) Hong L, Gu X L*, Lin F. Influence of Aggregate Surface Roughness on Mechanical Properties of Interface and Concrete [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2014(65): 338-349.

    35) Lin F, Ji H K, Li Y N, Zuo Z X, Gu X L*, Li Y. Prediction of Ground Motion due to the Collapse of a Large-Scale Cooling Tower under Strong Earthquakes [J]. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2014(65): 43-54.

    36) Wang M Q, Song X B, Gu X L, Luo L. Rotational Behavior of Bolted Beam-to-Column Connections with Locally Cross-Laminated Glulam [J]. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 2014, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943 - 541X.0001035

    37) Yu Q Q, Zhao X L, Al-mahaidi R, Xiao Z G, Chen T, Gu X L. Tests on Cracked Steel Plates with Diferent Damage Levels Strengthened by CFRP Laminates [J]. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2014, DOI: 10.1142/S0219455414500187

    38)  Lin F, Ji H K, Li Y N, Zuo Z X, Gu X L*, Li Y. Prediction of Ground Motion due to the Collapse of a Large-Scale Cooling Tower under Strong Earthquakes [J]. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2014(65): 43-54.

    39) Gu X L, Tran Y, Hong L. Quantification of Coarse Aggregate Shape in Concrete [J]. Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering, 2014, 8(3): 308-321.

    40) Yu Q Q, Zhao X L, Xiao Z G, Chen T, and Gu X L. Analytical Evaluation of Stress Intensity Factor for CFRP Bonded Steel Plates [J]. Advances in Structural Engineering, 2014, 17(12): 1729-1746.

    41) Huang Q H, Jiang Z L, Gu X L*, Zhang W P, Guo B H. Numerical simulation of moisture transport in concrete based on a pore size distribution model [J]. Cement and Concrete Research, 2015(67): 31-43.

    42) Jiang C, Gu X L*, Zhang W P, Zou W. Modeling of Carbonation in Tensile Zone of Plain Concrete Beams Damaged by Cyclic Loading [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2015(77): 479-488.

    43) Liu X L, Tong X H, Yin X J, Gu X L, Ye Z. Videogrammetric Technique for Three-dimensional Structural Progressive Collapse Measurement [J]. Measurement, 2015(63):87-99.

    44) Wang M Q, Song X B, Gu X L, Luo L. Rotational Behavior of Bolted Beam-to-Column Connections with Locally Cross-Laminated Glulam [J]. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 2015, 141(4): 04014121.

    45) Yu Q Q, Chen T, Gu X L*, Zhao X L, Xiao Z G. Boundary Element Analysis of Fatigue Crack Growth for CFRP Strengthened Steel Plates with Longitudinal Weld Attachment [J]. Journal of Composites for Construction, ASCE, 2015, 19(2): 04014044.

    46) Jiang Z L, Gu X L*, Huang Q H, Zhang W P. Reply to the discussion by Q. Zeng and S.L. Xu of the paper “Numerical simulation of moisture transport in concrete based on a pore size distribution model” [J]. Cement and Concrete Research, 2015(73): 67-69.

    47) Song X B, Wu Y J, Gu X L*, Chen C. Bond behaviour of reinforcing steel bars in early age concrete [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2015(94): 209-217.

    48) Yu Q Q, Chen T, Gu X L, Zhang N X. Fatigue behaviour of CFRP strengthened out-of-plane gusset welded joints with double cracks [J]. Polymers, 2015, 7(9): 1617-1637.

    49) Zhang W P, Min H G, Gu X L, Xi Y P, Xing Y S. Mesoscale model for thermal conductivity of concrete [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2015(98):8-16.

    50) Chen T, Qi M, Gu X L*, Yu Q Q. Flexural strength of carbor fiber reinforced polymer repaired cracked rectangular hollow section steel beams [J]. International Journal of Polymer Science, 2015: Article ID 204861, 9 pages.

    51) Lin F, Ji H K, Gu X L*, Li Y, Wang M R, Lin T. NPP planning based on analysis of ground vibration caused by collapse of large-scale cooling towers [J]. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2015(295): 27-39.

    52) Zhang W P, Tong F, Gu X L, Xi Y P. Study on Moisture Transport in Concrete in Atmospheric Environment[J]. Computers and Concrete, 2015, 16(5): 775-793.

    53) Jiang C, Gu X L*. Discussion of "Assessing concrete carbonation resistance through air permeability measurements" by R. Neves et al. [Construction and Building Materials 82(2015): 304-309] [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2016(102): 913-915.

    54) Yu Q Q, Chen T, Gu X L*, Zhao X L. Boundary element analysis of edge cracked steel plates strengthened by CFRP laminates [J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2016(100): 147-157.

    55) Yu Q Q, Gu X L*, Li Y, Lin F. Collapse-resistant performance of super-large cooling towers subjected to seismic actions [J]. Engineering Structures, 2016(108): 77-89.

    56) Zhang W P, Chen H, Gu X L*. Tensile Behavior of Corroded Steel Bars under Different Strain Rates [J]. Magazine of Concrete Research, 2016, 68(3): 127-140.

    57) Zhang W P, Liu X G, Gu X L*. Fatigue behavior of corroded prestressed concrete beams [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2016(106): 198-208.

    58) Zhang W P, Chen H, Gu X L*. Bond behaviour between corroded steel bars and concrete under different strain rates [J]. Magazine of Concrete Research, 2016, 68(7): 364-378.

    59) Zhang W P, Du H L, Li Q, Li X, Gu X L. In-plane Seismic Performance of Chinese Traditional Rowlock Cavity Walls under Low-cycle Loading[J]. International Journal of Architechture Heritage, 2016, 10(2-3): 204-216.

    60) Zhang H F, Zhang W P, Gu X L*, Jin X Y, Jin N G. Chloride penetration in concrete under marine atmospheric environment - analysis of the influencing factors [J]. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 2016, 12(11): 1428-1438.

    61) Zhang W P, Min H G, Gu X L. Temperature response and moisture transport in damaged concrete under an atmospheric environment [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2016(123): 290-299.

    62) Jiang Z L, Huang Q H, Xi Y P, Gu X L*, Zhang W P. Experimental Study of Diffusivity of Interfacial Transition Zone between Cement Paste and Aggregate [J]. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 2016, 28(10): 04016109.

    63) Gao P, Gu X L, Mosallamc A S. Flexural Behavior of Preloaded Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened by Prestressed CFRP Laminates [J]. Composite Structures, 2016 (157): 33-50.

    64) Song X B, Shang S S, Chen D D, Gu X L*. Multi-walled carbon nanotube reinforced mortar-aggregate interfacial properties [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2017(133): 57-64.

    28) Jiang C, Gu X L. Analysis of compressive strength development and carbonation depth of high-volume fly ash cement pastes [J]. ACI Materials Journal, 2017, 114(1): 185-186. SCI收录(000398097300018, IF=1.154), EI收录(20171003429224)

    29) Jiang Z L, Xi Y P, Gu X L*, Huang Q H, Zhang W P. Mesoscopic Predictions of Cement Mortar Diffusivity by Analytical and Numerical Methods [J]. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 2017, 29(4): 04016256. SCI收录(000398512000026, IF=1.295), EI收录(20171203488472)

    30) Liu X G, Zhang W P, Gu X L, Zeng Y H. Degradation of Mechanical Behavior of Corroded Prestressing Wires Subjected to High-Cycle Fatigue Loading [J]. Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE, 2017, 22(5): 04017004. SCI收录(000398544200008, IF=1.069), EI收录(20171403520477)

    31) Jiang C, Gu X L*, Huang Q H, Zhang W P. Deformation of concrete under high-cycle fatigue loads in uniaxial and eccentric compression [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2017(141): 379-372. SCI收录(000400033700036, IF=2.421), EI收录(20171103438290)

    32) Song X B, Jiang Y M, Gu X L, Wu Y J. Load-carrying capacity of lengthwise cracked wood beams retrofitted by self-tapping screws [J]. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 2017, 143(6): 04017021. SCI收录(000399651100006, IF=1.488), EI收录(20171703590370)

    33) Gu X L*, Yu Q Q, Li Y, Lin F. Collapse Process Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Super-Large Cooling Towers Induced by Failure of Columns [J]. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, ASCE, 2017, 31(5): 04017037. SCI收录(000415358500003, IF=1.192), EI收录()

    34) Zhang W P, Ye Z W, Gu X L, Liu X G, Li S B. Assessment of fatigue life for corroded reinforced concrete beams under uniaxial bending [J]. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 2017, 143(7): 04017048. SCI收录(000399908300017, IF=1.700), EI收录()

    35) Song X B, Ma Y R, Gu X L, Wang M Q. Carbon fiber reinforced polymer reinforcement for rotational behavior of bolted glulam beam-to-column connections [J]. Journal of Composites for Construction, ASCE, 2017, 21(3): 04016096. SCI收录(000400524800002, IF=2.503), EI收录()

    36) Min H G, Zhang W P, Gu X L, Cerny R. Coupled heat and moisture transport in damaged concrete under an atmospheric environment [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2017(143): 607-620. SCI收录(000401042400053, IF=2.421), EI收录()

    37) Jiang C, Huang Q H, Gu X L*, Zhang W P. Experimental investigation on carbonation in fatigue-damaged concrete [J]. Cement and Concrete Research, 2017, 99: 38-52. SCI收录(000403634900005, IF=4.762), EI收录()

    38) Yu Q Q, Gu X L*, Li Y, Lin F. Collapse mechanism of reinforced concrete superlarge cooling towers subjected to strong winds [J]. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, ASCE, 2017, 31(6): 04017101. SCI收录(000415359200011, IF=1.192), EI收录()

    39) Lin F, Yang X M, Li K Y, Gu X L, and Li X. Failure of wall–slab joint in unreinforced masonry building [J]. Advances in Structural Engineering, 2017, 20(5): 759–771. SCI收录(000400517900009, IF=0.829), EI收录()

    40) Zhou B B, Gu X L*, Guo H Y, Zhang W P, Huang, Q H. Polarization behavior of activated reinforcing steel bars in concrete under chloride environments [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2018(164): 877-887. SCI收录(000427218500078, IF=3.485), EI收录()

    41) Zhang D M, Gu X L, Yu Q Q*, Huang H W, Wan B L, and Jiang C. Fully probabilistic analysis of FRP-to-concrete bonded joints considering model uncertainty [J]. Composite Structures, 2018, 185, 786-806. SCI收录( 000418961000067, IF=3.858), EI收录()

    42) Wu Y J, Song X B, Gu X L, Luo L. Dynamic performance of a multi-story traditional timber pagoda [J]. Engineering Structures, 2018(159): 277-285. SCI收录(000425203000022, IF=2.755), EI收录()

    43) Gu X L*, Guo H Y, Zhou B B, Zhang W P, Jiang C. Corrosion non-uniformity of steel bars and reliability of corroded RC beams [J]. Engineering Structures, 2018 (167): 188-202. SCI收录(000434238900017 , IF=2.755), EI收录()

    44) Zhang W P, Zhang H F, Gu X L*, Liu W. Structural behavior of corroded reinforced concrete beams under sustained loading [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2018 (174): 675-683. SCI收录(000433656300064, IF=3.169), EI收录()

    45) Chen T, Gu X L*, Qi M, Yu Q.Q. Experimental study on fatigue behavior of cracked rectangular hollow section steel beams repaired with prestressed CFRP plates [J]. Journal of Composites for Construction, 2018, 22(5): 04018034. SCI收录(000441679600011, IF=2.592), EI收录()

    46) Jiang C, Gu X L*, Huang Q H, Zhang W P. Carbonation depth predictions in concrete bridges under changing climate conditions and increasing traffic loads [J]. Cement and Concrete Composites, 2018(93):140-154. SCI收录(000446283300013, IF=4.660), EI收录()

    47) Ye Z W. Zhang W P, Gu X L. Deterioration of shear behavior of corroded reinforced concrete beams [J]. Engineering Structures, 2018(1168): 708-720. SCI收录(000435428400053, IF=2.755), EI收录()

    48) Wang M Q, Song, X B, Gu X L. Three-Dimensional Combined Elastic-Plastic and Damage Model for Nonlinear Analysis of Wood [J]. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 2018, 144(8): 04018103. SCI收录(000433892300012, IF=1.700), EI收录()

    49) Min H G, Zhang W P, Gu X L. Effects of load damage on moisture transport and relative humidity response in concrete [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2018(169): 59-68. SCI收录(000430994700007, IF=3.485), EI收录()

    50) Zhang Q Z, Gu X L*, Jiang Z L, Zhang W P. Similarities in Accelerated Chloride Ion Transport Tests for Concrete in Tidal Zones [J]. ACI Materials Journal, 2018, 115(4): 499-507. SCI收录(000442005900001, IF=1.252), EI收录()

    51) Koci V, Koci J, Madera J, Pavlik Z, Gu X L, Zhang W P, Cerny R. Thermal and hygric assessment of an inside-insulated brick wall: 2D critical experiment and computational analysis [J]. Journal of Building Physics, 2018, 41(6): 497-520 SCI收录(000432082600002, IF=1.226), EI收录()

    52) Chen J Y, Zhang W P*, Gu X L. Mesoscale model for cracking of concrete cover induced by reinforcement corrosion [J]. Computers and Concrete, 2018, 22(1): 53-62. SCI收录(000442275600005, IF=1.637), EI收录()

    53) Ye Z W, Zhang W P*, Gu X L. Modeling of Shear Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams with Corroded Stirrups Strengthened with FRP Sheets[J]. Journal of Composites for Construction, 2018, 22(5): 04018035. SCI收录(000441679600013, IF=2.592), EI收录()

    54) Yu Q Q*, Gao R X, Gu X L, Zhao X L, Chen T. Bond behavior of CFRP-steel double-lap joints exposed to marine atmosphere and fatigue loading[J]. Engineering Structures, 2018, 175: 76-85. SCI收录(000448101300007, IF=2.755), EI收录()

    55) Jiang C, Huang Q H, Gu X L*, Zhang W P. Modeling the effects of fatigue damage on concrete carbonation [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2018(191): 942-962. SCI收录(000451105100082, IF=3.485), EI收录()

    56) Jiang Z L, Xi Y P, Gu X L*, Huang Q H, Zhang W P. Modelling of water vapour sorption hysteresis of cement-based materials based on pore size distribution [J], Cement and Concrete Research, 2019(115): 8-19. SCI收录(000452935100002, IF=5.430), EI收录()

    57) Ye Z W, Zhang W P, Gu X L, Liu X G. Experimental Investigation on Shear Fatigue Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams with Corroded Stirrups [J]. Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE, 2019, 24(2): 04018117. SCI收录(000453210700013, IF=2.721), EI收录()

    58) Wang M Q, Song X B, Gu X L, Tang J Y. Bolted glulam beam-column connections under different combinations of shear and bending[J]. Engineering Structures, 2019, 181: 281-292. SCI收录(000456754400021, IF=2.755), EI收录()

    59) Yu Q Q, Gu X L, Zhao X L, Zhang D M*, Huang H W, Jiang C. Characterization of model uncertainty of adhesively bonded CFRP-to-steel joints[J]. Composite Structures, 2019, 215: 150-165.

    60) Hua J J, Eberhard M O, Lowes L N, Gu X L*. Modes, Mechanisms, and Likelihood of Seismic Shear Failure in Rectangular Reinforced Concrete Columns [J]. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 2019, 145(10): 04019096.

    61) Hong L, Gu X L*, Lin F, Gao P, Sun L Z. Effects of Coarse Aggregate Form, Angularity, and Surface Texture on Concrete Mechanical Performance [J]. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 2019, 31(10): 04019226

    62) Chen T, Wang X, Gu X L*, Zhao Q, Yuan G K, Liu J C. Axial compression tests of grouted connections in jacket and monopile offshore wind turbine structures [J]. Engineering Structures, 2019(196): 109330.

    63) Jiang Z L, Gu X L*, Huang Q H, Zhang W P. Statistical analysis of concrete carbonation depths considering different coarse aggregate shapes [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2019 (229): 116856.

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