Weiping Zhang
    Deputy Dean of College of Civil Engineering
            Email: weiping_zh@tongji.edu.cn
            Tel/Fax: 8621-65982928


    Doctor of Philosophy. 1999. Department of Building Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, China.

    Bachelor of Science. 1995. Department of Building Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, China.

    Research interests

    My research interests cover the areas of reliability assessment of exisiting structures, and durability of concrete structures.

    Specific interests include:

    Inspection, assessment, restoration and strengthening of historic buildings

    Reliability-based analysis of structural performance of existing building

    Time-dependent structural performance and reliability

    Life-cycle design and maintenance

    Professional experience

    Professor (12/2010 to Now): Department of Structural Engineering, Tongji University

    Associate Professor (60/2003 to 11/2010): Department of Structural Engineering, Tongji University

    Postdoctor, Research Assistant(10/2006 to 9/2008): University of Colorado at Boulder, USA

    Assistant Professor (01/2000 to 05/2003): Department of Building Engineering, Tongji University


    Courses taught

    Structural mechanics (undergraduate)

    Computational Structural Mechanics and Application Programmes (undergraduate)

    Durability of concrete structures (graduate)

    Inspection, appraisal and strengthening of civil engineering (graduate)

    Life-cycle maintenance of civil engineering (graduate)


    Current research projects

    Reliability-based Time-dependent Resistance of Reinforced Concrete Beams Subjected to Corrosion, National Science Foundation of China (Grant No.: 51078268)

    Structural Performance of Corroded Reinforced Concrete members under Impact Loads, Shanghai Pujiang Program (Grant No.: 09PJ1409600)


    Professional affiliation

    American Concrete Institute, ACI



    "Theory and techniques for inspection and assessment in life-cycle maintenance of existing building structures.” First prize of Advances in science and technology of Shanghai metropolitan, 2009.

    "Inspection and assessment theory and application for existing building structures” Second prize of Advances in science and technology of Ministry of Education, 2006.

    "Research on Standard of Structural Inspection and Assessment for Existing Buildings”, Third prize of Advances in science and technology of Shanghai metropolitan, 2006.

    "Inspection technology and theoretic research of durability of concrete structures”, Third prize of Advances in science and technology of Ministry of Construction, China, 1999.


    Recent publications (in English)

    Journal publication (selected)

    Chen J Y, Zhang W P*, Gu X L. Experimental and numerical investigation of chloride-induced reinforcement corrosion and mortar cover cracking[J]. Cement and Concrete Composites, 2020 (111): 103620.

    Zhang W P*, Zhang Y P, Li H, Gu X L. Experimental investigation of fatigue bond behavior between deformed steel bar and concrete [J]. Cement and Concrete Composites, 2020(108): 103515.

    Zhang W P, Chen J Y, Luo X J. Effects of impressed current density on corrosion induced cracking of concrete cover [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2019 (204): 213-223.

    Zhang W P, Li C K, Gu X L, Zeng Y H. Variability in Cross-Sectional Areas and Tensile Properties of Corroded Prestressing Wires [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2019 (228): 116830.

    Chen J Y, Zhang W P*, Gu X L. Modeling time-dependent circumferential non-uniform corrosion of steel bars in concrete considering corrosion-induced cracking effects[J]. Engineering Structures, 2019, 201:109766.

    Ye Z W, Zhang W P*, Gu X L. Experimental Investigation on Shear Fatigue Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams with Corroded Stirrups[J]. ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, 2019, 24(2): 04018117.

    Jiang C, Huang Q H, Gu X L*, Zhang W P. Modeling the effects of fatigue damage on concrete carbonation [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2018(191): 942-962.

    Gu X L*, Wang L, Zhang W P, Cui W. Cyclic behaviour of hinged steel frames enhanced by masonry columns and/or infill walls with/without CFRP [J]. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 2018, 14(11): 1470-1485.

    Chen J Y, Zhang W P*, Gu X L. Mesoscale model for cracking of concrete cover induced by reinforcement corrosion[J]. Computers and Concrete, 2018, 22(1): 53-62.

    Min H G, Zhang W P*, Gu X L. Effects of load damage on moisture transport and relative humidity response in concrete[J]. Construction & Building Materials, 2018, 169:59-68.

    Ye Z W, Zhang W P*, Gu X L. Modeling of Shear Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams with Corroded Stirrups Strengthened with FRP Sheets[J]. Journal of Composites for Construction, 2018,22(5): 04018035.

    Ye Z W, Zhang W P*, Gu X L. Deterioration of shear behavior of corroded reinforced concrete beams[J]. Engineering Structures, 2018, 168:708-720.

    Zhang W P, Zhang H F, Gu X L*, Liu W. Structural behavior of corroded reinforced concrete beams under sustained loading [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2018 (174): 675-683.

    Zhang W P*, Ye Z W, Gu X L. Assessment of Fatigue Life for Corroded Reinforced Concrete Beams under Uniaxial Bending[J]. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 2017, 143(7): 04017048.

    Zhang W P*, Ye Z W, Gu X L. Effects of Stirrup Corrosion on Shear Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beam[J]. Journal of Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 2017, 13(8): 1081-1092.

    Min H G, Zhang W P*, Gu X L, Cerny R. Coupled heat and moisture transport in damaged concrete under an atmospheric environment[J]. Construction & Building Materials, 2017, 143:607-620.

    Liu X G, Zhang W P, Gu X L, Zeng Y H. Degradation of Mechanical Behavior of Corroded Prestressing Wires Subjected to High-Cycle Fatigue Loading [J]. Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE, 2017, 22(5): 04017004.

    Zhang W P*, Ye Z W, Gu X L. Effects of stirrup corrosion on shear behaviour of reinforced concrete beams [J]. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 2016, DOI: 10.1080/15732479.2016.1243563.

    Zhang W P, Chen H, Gu X L*. Tensile Behavior of Corroded Steel Bars under Different Strain Rates [J]. Magazine of Concrete Research, 2016, 68(3): 127-140.

    Zhang W P, Min H G, Gu X L. Temperature response and moisture transport in damaged concrete under an atmospheric environment [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2016(123): 290-299.

    Zhang W P, Du H L, Li Q, Li X, Gu X L. In-plane Seismic Performance of Chinese Traditional Rowlock Cavity Walls under Low-cycle Loading[J]. International Journal of Architechture Heritage, 2016, 10(2-3): 204-216.

    Zhang W P, Chen H, Gu X L*. Bond behaviour between corroded steel bars and concrete under different strain rates [J]. Magazine of Concrete Research, 2016, 68(7): 364-378.

    Zhang W P, Liu X G, Gu X L. Fatigue behavior of corroded prestressed concrete beams[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2016(106):198-208

    Zhang W P, Tong F, Gu X L, Xi Y P. Study on Moisture Transport in Concrete in Atmospheric Environment[J]. Computers and Concrete,2015,16(5):775-793

    Zhang W P, Min H G, Gu X L, Xi Y P, Xing Y S. Mesoscale model for thermal conductivity of concrete [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2015(98):8-16.

    Zhang W P, Zhou B B, Gu X L*, and Dai H C. Probability Distribution Model for Cross-Sectional Area of Corroded Reinforcing Steel Bars [J]. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 2014, 26(5): 822–832.

    Zhang WP, Song XB, Gu XL, Li SB. Tensile and fatigue behavior of corroded rebars[J]. Construction and Building Materials. 2012, 34:409-417

    Zhang WP, Song XB, Gu XL, Tang HY. Compressive behavior of longitudinally cracked timber columns retrofitted using FRP sheets[J]. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE. 2012, 138(1): 90-98

    Wang XG, Zhang WP, Cui W, Wittmann FH. Bond strength of Corroded steel bars in reinforced concrete structural elements strengthened with CFRP sheets[J]. Cement and Concrete Composites, 2011, 33:513-519

    Li S B, Zhang W P, Gu X L, Zhu C M. Fatigue of reinforcing steel bars subjected to natural corrosion [J]. Open Civil Engineering Journal, 2011, 5(1): 69-74

    Song X.B., Gu X.L, Zhang W.P., Zhao T.S. and Jin X.Y. Structural analysis of high-rise reinforced concrete building structures during construction[J]. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2010; 36 (4): 513-527.

    Gu X L, Zhang W P, Ouyang Y, and Li Y P. Sharing Capacity of Masonry Structural Walls Strengthened by CFRP Plates [J]. Science and Engineering of Composite Materials, 2005, 12(3): 193-202

    Conference publication

    Li S B, Zhang W P, Gu X L, Zhu C M. Analysis on fatigue of natural corrosion steel bars[A]. Advanced Materials Research, Advances in Structures [C], 2011, 163-167: 3237-3241

    Li S B, Zhang W P, Gu X L, Zhu C M. Current status on fatigue of corrosion reinforcement [A]. 2011 International Conference on Electric Technology and Civil Engineering, ICETCE 2011 - Proceedings [C], 2011: 197-200.

    Zhang Q Z, Gu X L, Zhang W P, Huang Q H. Study on effect of soaking time on the transmission of chloride ion in concrete under drying-wetting cycles [A]. Advanced Materials Research, Advances in Building Materials [C], 2011, 261-263: 61-68.

    Cui W, Zhang W P, Gu X L. Performance-based seismic evaluation of historical buildings[A]. Advanced Materials Research, Structural Analysis of Historic Constructions: Strengthening and Retrofitting [C], 2010, 133-134: 1259-1264

    Song X.B., Tang, H.Y., Zhang W.P. and Gu X.L. Compressive stress strain relationship of wood confined with fiber composite sheets. Advanced Materials Research, 2010; 133/134: 1207-1211.

    Gu X L, Zhang W P, Shang D F, and Wang X G. Flexural Behavior of Corroded Reinforced Concrete Beams[A]. Proceedings of the 12th ASCE Aerospace Devision International Conference on Engineering, Science, Construction, and Operations in Challenge Environments and the 4th NASA/ASCE Workshop on Granular Materials in Lunar Martin Exploration [C], Honolulu, Hawaii, March 14-17, 2010: 3553-3558. (Invited Paper)

    Zhang W P, Dai H C, Gu X L, and Wu S N. Effects of Corrosion Pits on Mechanical Properties of Corroded Steel Bars [A]. Proceedings of the 12th ASCE Aerospace Division International Conference on Engineering, Science, Construction, and Operations in Challenge Environments and the 4th NASA/ASCE Workshop on Granular Materials in Lunar Martin Exploration [C], Honolulu, Hawaii, March 14-17, 2010: 3512-3520.

    Weiping Zhang, Xiaogang Wang, Xianglin Gu, Denfeng Shang. Reliability-based Prediction of Service Life for Reinforced Concrete Structures Subjected to Corrosion of Steel Bars [C]. Proceedings of 2007 International Symposium on International Life-cycle Design and Management of Infrastructure, Tongji University Press, 2007: 161-163

    Weiping Zhang, Qiang Zhang, Xianglin Gu, Jingbiao Lu, Yihong Li, Qing Fu. Safety Assessment and Strengthening of Existing Steel Frames Containing Semi-Rigid Joints [C]. Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions (Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Construction, New Delhi, India), November, 2006:1413~1428

    Weiping Zhang, Hongchao Dai, Xianglin Gu, and Dengfeng Shang. Stochastic Model of Stress-Strain Relationship for Corroded Reinforced Steel Bars [C]. Real Structures: Bridges and Tall Buildings (Proceedings of the Tenth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering & Construction), Bangkok, Thailand, 2006: 457-462

    Xu Y., Zhang W P, Gu X L. The Optimum Sample Size of on-Site Inspection for Existing Structures [A]. Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Inspection Appraisal, Repairs & Maintenance of Structures [C], Singapore, December, 2003: 343~350

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